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Sometimes in relationships whether it be personal, work or simply friendships, we allow ourselves to be overshadowed. Stop. Instead, turn your face to the Sun and let the shadows fall behind you🖤
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Inner strength comes from when we weather the storm and come out the other side. Not saying it’s easy, but it works 🖤

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#confidence #coach #solution #selfworth #selfesteem #attitude #survival 🖤

When the going gets tough - the tough get going. Because, tough times never last, but tough people do. Get Tough !!

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#confidence #coach #solution #selfworth #attitude #motivation
#gettough 🖤

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What People Say

Motivated me to give up smoking and encouraged me to stick with it. She’s got a nice voice. Happy to recommend.

Michael P
Social Media Manager

Clear, confident advice and guidance from a clearly confident woman.

I will continue to contact the CCO when needed. Happy to endorse.

Simon P
Commodity Associate

I reached out to the CCO when I had a total crisis of confidence caused by the menopause. I am a farmer’s wife, so live a very matter of fact down to earth kind of life, where my husband, although an all-round nice enough guy, shows more interest in the reproductive cycle of his ewe’s than he does to that of his wife.

Basically, everything became overwhelming, so much so that I felt that I couldn’t share how I was feeling because in the normal sphere of farming life, my emotions seemed insignificant when there are simply more pressing day to day matters to attend to. I understand now that this isn’t the correct mindset or the way to deal with problems. Seems so obvious, but at the time it wasn’t, so appreciate the direction and tools that I learned from my sessions with the CCO. I am now confident enough to understand my needs and feel worthy enough to put into practice a way to ensure that those needs are met.

Thank you.

Jean S

I only had one session with the CC which as it turned out, ended up being a pep talk more than anything else, as I was feeling a bit down in the dumps after missing out on a job that I’d really wanted.

My family had been very supportive but didn’t really understand what the new job entailed, so couldn’t do much to help me assess where I might have gone wrong, or more importantly maybe not have shone as much as I could have during the interview process.

Family can be great and give lots of loving support, but sometimes, because they love you, they can’t really be objective. It was great to chat to someone who could offer some positive pointers, and give me a boost to propel me forward. It helped a lot as I now feel better equipped and more confident for the next time around.

Happy to recommend.

Liz R
Health Care Worker

I started a business a couple of years ago, and while prepared for the usual problems encountered by Start Ups, I was in no way prepared for the number of obstacles that followed during the first few months into the project.

When I contacted the CCO I wasn’t really sure what I needed, but I was sure that I needed some help, not just in dealing with the business, but also in my personal life, as due to the mounting pressure I had become adept at avoiding certain issues. This resulted in a huge amount of stress along with a lack of motivation, which made me almost give up everything that I’d been working towards. To say that the CCO was a godsend would be an understatement, as within a few sessions of practical guidance and help – essentially adopting a fresh approach and putting different practices into effect, I managed to regain control, and as my whole perspective took an upswing, so did my business.

Happy Days !

Gemma S
Business Owner